(530) 842-1000

GAPS Diet Consultations

Finding the Weston A. Price Foundation 11 years ago was a God-send, really. This organization is dedicated to education and research around farming, food, and health, offering wisdom from our Ancestors in Traditional Cooking and Foods.  Check out their website, www.westonapricefoundation.org and search any subject for a rich collection of informative articles based on real science (not the pseudo-science put out by big biz corporations), and the wise traditions of old.

While I am so grateful to be able to offer the benefits of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine to the world, so many of my patients come in with very deep seated medical issues due to way stressful lifestyles, poor diets, toxic chemical exposure, toxic emotions, and a toxic cocktail of many or all of the above. I started to wonder what I could really do with these tiny needles of mine in the face of such complicated illness that have gotten increasingly difficult in the recent years. Cancer, diabetes, ADD, ADHD, debilitating headaches, chronic digestion and parasite issues…the list goes on and on. My Dietetics and Philosophy Teacher, Liu Ming, in Chinese Medical School often advised us, “If you really want to teach your patients things, forget the herbs and acu-pressure points, and focus on the diet. That is where you can really make a difference in the big picture of their lives”.

Here’s what Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, developer of the Gut and Psychology/Physiology concept (GAPS) has to say in a nutshell:

“All diseases begin in the gut! The Father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, made this statement more than two thousand years ago. The more we learn with our modern scientific tools, the more we realise just how correct Hippocrates was: all diseases do begin in the gut! Science has discovered, that about 90% of all cells and all genetic material of the human body belongs to the gut flora – a mixture of various microbes, which live inside our digestive tract. So, in reality your body is just a shell, a 10%, providing a habitat for this mass of micro-creatures living inside you; and their role in your health and physiology is monumental. Our modern world poses many dangers for human gut flora, and once it is damaged, the health of the whole body enters a downward slide towards disease.”


Located in beautiful downtown Yreka, California, just 25 miles north of Mount Shasta.

Address:   229 W Miner St, Yreka, CA

Phone:  (530) 842-1000


Email Geri

A word from Geri's client...


“When I went to her I was in dire straits. I could not stand upright and was in severe pain. Her knowledge, skill, and healing hands had me on the road to recovery in about three sessions and “as good as I can get” in about three weeks.”  – Robert D. Camero, Montague, CA