Qi Gong
Yreka Healing Arts Center * 229 W. Miner St. * Yreka, CA * 842-1000“Eliminate Disease and Prolong Life” is what Qi Gong was referred to as in ancient times.
Qi Gong exercises were developed several thousands years ago. Practiced for healing purposes, they integrate movement, sound, mental imagery and breathing techniques. The practice of Qi Gong plays an active role in preventing and treating diseases, protecting and strengthening health, resisting premature senility, and prolonging life.By practicing Qi Gong regularly, these benefits can readily be achieved. A person’s perseverance in doing the exercises reflects his or her will power and determination to feel better by building up Qi. The most important thing in doing Qi gong exercise is perseverance.
There are three things involved in building what is called”Vital Qi” through Qi Gong. They are 1) Breathing in the vital qi, 2) Maintaining a quiescent mental state, and 3) Keep the body organs in harmony. The dominant aim of Qi gong practice is to strengthen the body and the mind.
* Easy to learn for all ages
* Regulates and improves blood circulation, calms and balances the nervous system
* Increase energy and metabolism
* Relieve stress and tension
* Strengthen organ systems, muscles, bones, and general stamina
* Improve mental clarity
$5 donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.